Jeff Krause
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

About Me

RPS Masters World Record Holder: Deadlift

2nd Place at the 2022 Powerlifting America National Championship and Invited to the United States IPF World Championship Team

USPA Masters American Record Holder: Bench Press

USPA Masters American Record Holder: Deadlift

Powerlifting America Florida State Record Holder: Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and Total

Formally Ranked 6th in the nation by the American Powerlifting Association

National Championship qualifier for the 2022 USPA National Powerlifting Championship

3rd Place at the 2002 Track and Field National Championship (Masters): Pentathlon

Over 20 years experience in the health and wellness field

Experience with athlete's as well as those who are simply trying to become more fit and healthy across all age groups

Head coach of Sovereign Strength Barbell (USA Weightlifting)

Life time best lifts: Squat 700lbs, Bench Press 425lbs, Deadlift 625lbs, Clean and Jerk 315lbs

For a complete bio - including my professional certifications and my unique approach to fitness - simply give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.